
Anti malware antivirus
Anti malware antivirus

anti malware antivirus

If you’re landing on this page, there’s a good chance you’re looking for free virus removal because you fit one (or more) of the following: What are computer viruses, and where can I find more information? (Indiana University Knowledge Base)ĭefines what a virus is, different types of viruses, and how they infect your computer and spread to others.Unless you’re currently running a computer completely disconnected from the web, you’re going to need protection against viruses and malware. Use anti-virus software to detect and remove malware from your computer.Įxplains how to avoid, detect, get rid of, and report malware.īasic ways to avoid opening your computer to malicious software.Do not click on links in pop-up windows.Do not open email attachments that you weren't expecting or that came from people or companies that you don't know.

anti malware antivirus anti malware antivirus

  • Do not install software unless you can verify that it is legitimate.
  • Do not download software with which you are unfamiliar.
  • Configure your anti-virus software to routinely and automatically update itself.įollow these best practices to avoid malware:.
  • Configure your anti-virus software to routinely and automatically scan your system and quarantine or remove detected malware.
  • Mobile-ready anti-virus software is available for some smartphones and tablets. Windows Defender on Windows Computers and install anti-virus The University recommends that students, faculty, and staff use
  • Use the University's computer management service to manage anti-virus scanning and other security-related processes.
  • Regularly update your anti-virus software.
  • Configure your computer's anti-virus software to automatically and regularly scan your computer for threats.
  • macOS users: Install and use anti-virus software.
  • Windows users: Activate and use Windows Defender.
  • This requirement can be automated through the University's computer management service. Faculty and staff are required to run anti-virus software on any computers either owned by the University or used to process University information as part of their job responsibilities.

    Anti malware antivirus